CH Falanga z Koprivoveho Dvora, CACIB
was born 24-11-2002
in the breeding station From the Nettle court

CH Falanga z Koprivoveho dvora
was born 24-11-2002 in the breeding station From the Nettle court (breeder
Karel Zedníček), cock high 61 cm.

ICH Falco Guard from Tibet, title-holder champion of
champions and one of the most successful dog on the show and in
breeding in the Czech republic. Junior champion of Bohemia 2000,
Czech shampion 2001, Slovakian champion 2002, Polish shampion 2003,
Austrian champion 2004, Interchampion 2002, European winner 2003,
Middle and East Europe winner 2003, Champion of champions 2001-2003
- 1st place, Champion of champions 2002 – 3rd place, Austrian club
exhibition 2004 – BOB, Club champion KTD 2000, Club champion KCHNPP
2002, 3x winner in memorial Winner of Czech crown, Khara 2003 - 4th
place, 10x club winner, 5x special exhibition winner, VDH - Sieger
Leipzig 2002, 16x BIG, BIS, BOD, 6x NV, 3x CAJC, 50x BOB, 34x CACIB,
54x CAC, 5x CWC, 4x CACA, Champion of champions 2005, 5x Nicest
grown-up exhibition dog, 1st and 2nd place in couple. This listing
speaks for all.
CH Asta Karpatská strela. Polish Shampion, Slovakian
champion, club champion. Beautiful, well-built she.
CH Falanga is lovely, perfect-built she with excellently expressed feet,
has nice arched chest, perfectly straight pose and very long hair,
but at the same she is very kind. Black-tainted. She is self-confident
but simultaneously very kind. Keeps her tail nicely up. Her long
hairs on tail looks like a fan. Has harmonious and perfectly
coordinated movement. Has got a precise set of teeth, great body
formation, likes exhibiting and is very obedient. The tail is
correctly set, pose of rear legs is parallel and from straight to
steeper. She likes children. Has got dark black coat. She is very
attentive and emphatic for guarding. On the exhibitions she was
perfectly rated. She is always no less than excellent. CH Falanga z Koprivoveho dvora, CACIB DKK 0/1,
Candidate for Interchampion, Český šampion,
candidate for Slovak champion, Class winner (KCHMPP) Prague 2003,
Club winner (KCHMPP) 2004, 1xCACIB, 2xres.CACIB, 5xCAC, 7xres.CAC. Falanga is a daughter of ICH Falco Strážce z
Tibetu and CH Asta Karpatska strela. She is dark black - tained female
with characters above eyes. |
dam |
Falanga z Koprivoveho dvora |
30/8/2003 Club exhibition KCHMPP Praha, class of joung E1,
28/9/2003 Special exhibition Uhřiněves, class of young E1
7/5/2004 Club exhibition KCHMPP Mladá Boleslav, class
opened, E1, CAC, KV
22-23/5/2004 IDS Litoměřice, class opened, E2, res. CAC,
res. CACIB
2/10/2004 Club exhibition KCHMPP, class opened, E3
1/5. 2005 IDS Prague, class opened, E1, CAC, res. CACIB
14/5/2005 Club exhibition KTD, class opened, E4
21 - 25/5/ 2005 IDS Litoměřice, class opened, E1, CAC,
10/1/2009 NDS Olomouc class opened E3
5/4/2009 NDS Ostrava class opened E3.
26/4/2009 IDS Ceske Budejovice class opened, E.
8/5/2009 Kl.V. Mladá Boleslav, class opened E.
15/8/2009 IDS Bratislava (Duo Danube) class opened E2 res.CAC.
18/10/2009 NVP Brno, class opened E1 CAC.
20/3/2010 Kl.VP KTD SR, Mojmírovce,
champion class, E3.
28/3/2010 NDS Nitracanis, Champion class, E2 res.CAC
11/4/2010 NDS Ostrava, Winner Class, E2, res.CAC.
25/4/2010 IDS Ceske Budejovice, Champion class, E2
res.CAC |


CAC titles (click)
CACIB titles (click)


Czech Champion
2/5/2010 IDS Prague, Champion class, E2.
8/5/2010, Club show,
KTD-CZ, Champion class, E.
23/5/2010 IDS Litomerice, Champion class, E1
4/6/2010 SDS Senec, champion class, E2 res.CAC
6/6/2010 IDS Nitra - Grand
Prix Slovakia, champion class, E2 res.CAC
12/6/2010 Club Show KCHMPP Mlada Boleslav, winner
class, E1 CAC.
18/7/2010 NDS Mlada Boleslav, champion class, E3
29/8/2010 IDS Ml.Boleslav, champion class E4.
19/9/2010 SS
Trusalova, winner class, E4
26/9/2010 NDS Brno, champion class, E3. |