Father Atharvan Dharmapala was born 1/12/2009
in breeding stations Dharmapala & Laspro
was very bulky, advanced and nice boy. Watching took very seriously. He
expressed dominantly but very friendly to
other dog friends. He was very intelligent and teachable
His head was excellent shaped, had scissor bite, dark eyes, contiguous bottom eyelid, good
ear. Excellent and bulky skeleton and shaping. Correct back line. (references
from NDS Ostrava 11/4/2010 and IDS Ceske Budejovice 25/4/2010)
Mother Seng Khri Dar Jomo was born
12/ 12/ 2007 in breeding station Seng Khri ( in Hungary,
breeder Eva Marton). (Our females - Dara)
Princess Jomo Dharmapala is young, very
intelligent female with especially long hair and mane.
She iscompactin stature,well muscledand obedient.She is intrepid after her motherand she's friendly.As a
guardianshe's completely
Princess Jomo Dharmapala
Princess Jomo Dharmapala
28. 6. 2015 MVP Intercanis Brno Baby class - VP1
23. 8. 2015 KVP Brno puppy class - VP3
9. 4. 2017 NVP Ostrava interclass VG3
16. 4. 2017 IDS Praha class oen VG4
24. 9. 2017 NDS Brno class open - VG3
8. 4. 2018 NVP Ostrava - class open - VG
28. 4. 2018 Special exhibition KCHMPP - open class Excellent