on 4th January 2017

Father : CH Ettan Kamalesh Dharmapala, CACIB
was born:
Height 72 cm, weight 63 kg, DKK 0/0, DBL 0/0 to neg.
Wonderful, typical dog breed with thick and long hair,
beautiful eyes and nature, well muscled and bent dog with a beautiful
wide head, excellent stump and straight, well-bent legs.
Proper balanced movement. Well carried tail
and excellent nature!
Mother: Abhidharma Mani Dharmapala,CAJC
was born: 1/12/2009.
Height 68 cm, 48 kg, DKK 0/0, perfectly bent young female
with medium-length hair, excellent stop, and perfectly
straight backs. Excellent in motion! Dark eye
and overall excellent pigmentation.
Very dense coat.
Rashmi is born
on the 4th
January 2017.
Very long and dense coat by father, beautiful mane, well
muscled and tall.
All-black female. Very temperamental nature.