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On NDS in Kassel Ba-sha Namlang Laspro
obtained *Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH *CAC *BOS *BOB !!!

19/10/2008 on national exhibition in Brno Árun Dagpa Laspro obtained E2 res. CAC.

19/ 10/ 2008 on national exhibition in Brno
  Along Bagmed Laspro obtained E1 CAC.

27/ 9/ 2008 on IDS in Wroclav Ba-sha
  Namlang Laspro obtained CWC, res. CACIB.

27/ 9/ 2008 on IDS in České Budějovice Along Bagmed Laspro obtained E1, CAC, res.CACIB.

On national exhibition in Zielona Góra 21/ 9/ 2008
Ba-sha obtained Best Male, CWC, BOB.

14/ 9/ 2008 on MPV in Lipsko Ba-sha Namlang Laspro
   obtained apprecation E1, res. CAC.

13/9/2008 on IDS in Lipsko Ba-sha
Namlang Laspro obtained apprecation E1.

On IDS in Mladá Boleslav 31/ 8/ 2008
  Along Bagmed Laspro obtained E2 resCAC.

30/ 8/ 2008 on club exhibition in Tajov Amara
  Nanba Laspro obtained E1 CAC a BOB.

On IDS in Erzhausen on 30/8/2008 Ba-sha Namlang
Laspro obtained E1 CAJC and BOB

17/ 8/ 2008 in Bratislava Ba-sha Namlang Laspro otained E1 CAJC.

16/ 8/ 2008 on IDS in
  Bratislava Ba-sha Namlang Laspro obtained E1 CAJC.

 On NDS in Gdyně Ba-sha Namlang Laspro
  acquired title junior winner and BOB.

 On Czech national exhibition in ML. Boleslav Along
  Bagmed Laspro acquired E1 CAC.

13/ 7/ 2008 on World dog Show in Stockholm Basha
  Namlang Laspro acquired in class of juniors apprecation E1.

Ba-sha Stockholm
29/ 6/ 2008 on IDS in Brno Arog Danpo Laspro acquired E2 res.CAC.

Arog Brno
22/ 6/ 2008 on IDS in Štětín Basha Namlang Laspro acquired E2.

Ba-sha Štětín
Day 14/ 6/ 2008 on IDS in Erfurt
  Ba-sha acquired apprecation E1 and 15/ 6/ 2008 CAJC and he became JCH VDH (Germany juniorchampion).

8/ 6/ 2008 on IDS Gorzow Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired Youth
Winner, Best Junior and BOB.

1/ 6/ 2008 on IDS Leszno Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired apprecation Junior Winner, Best Junior and BOB.

4/ 6/ 2008 on IDS in Dortmund Ba-sha Namlang Laspro
     acquired apprecation BOB and Junior Winner VDH.

25/ 5/ 2008 on IDS Giesen Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired Junior Winer and Best Junior.

18/ 5/ 2008 on IDS Bratislava Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired E2.

17/ 5/ 2008 on IDS Bratislava Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired E1 CAJC.

11/ 5/ 2008 on NDS Plock Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired E1 and Junior Winner.

27/ 4/ 2008 on NDS Opole Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired E1 and Junior Winner.

19/ 4/ 2008 on NDS Grudziadz Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired E1.

20/ 4/ 2008 on MPV in
  Ceske Budejovice Arog Danpo Laspro acquired apprecation E3.
On internatinal exhibition in Berlin Ba-sha Namlang Laspro acquired apprecation E2 res.CAC.

30/ 3/ 2008 on club exhibition in Mlada Boleslav JCH Árun Dagpa Laspro won apprecation E2 res.CAC.

Day 30/3/2008 on club exhibition in Mladá Boleslav Arog Danpo Laspro acquired apprecation E1 CAC!

On NDS in Torun Ba-sha acquired E1 CAJC and became a junior winner.

On IDS Brno of the day 10/ 2/ 2008 Árun Dagpa Laspro acquired E1 CAJC and came up to condition for grant title JCH.

Basha Namlang Laspro acquired on National Exhibition in Glogow of the day 27/1/2008 apprecation Very promising.

12/1/2008 on NDS in Olomouc Árun Dagpa Laspro acquired a place E2 and rCAC.
18/ 11/ 2007 on International exhibition of dogs in Prague acquired Árun Dagpa Laspro in class of juniors apprecation E1 and CAJC.

7/ 10/ 2007 on International exhibition of dogs in České Budějovice Arog Danpo Laspro acquired in class of juniors apprecation E4.

7/ 10/ 2007 on International exhibition of dogs in České Budějovice Árun Dagpa Laspro acquired in class of juniors apprecation E2.

7/10/2007 on International exhibition of dogs in Ceske Budejovice Along Bagmed Laspro acquired E1 CAJC and performed terms for grant title JCH (junior champion).

On special exhibition of dogs in Mladá Boleslav 29/ 9/ 2007 acquired Along Bagmed Laspro in class of juniors apprecation E1 and CAJC and titul VSV (winner of special exhibition of joungs)

On Region exhibition in Mladá Boleslav 29/9/07 Árun Dagpa Laspro acquired E1 and won in his class. Next he acquired
3rd place among all young dogs.

On NDS in Brno 9/ 9/ 2007 Árun Dagpa Laspro
won in class of juniors E1 and CAJC.

On NDS in Brno 9/ 9/ 2007 Arog Danpo Laspro acquired
in class of juniors apprecation E2.

19/8/07 Arog Danpo Laspro won on IDS in
Bratislava E1 and CAJC!

22/ 7/ 2007 Along Bagmed Laspro won on
National exhibition of dogs in Mladá Boleslav E1 and CAJC!

On club exhibition in Mladá Boleslav 9/ 6/2007 Arog Danpo Laspro won E2.

On intenational exhibition in Prague 29/ 4/ 2007 Árun Laspro won in class of juniors E (excellent).

22/4/2007 Along Bagmed Laspro won on internacional exhibition in České Budějovice in class of juniors E.

22/4/2007 Arog Dangpo Laspro won on internacional
exhibitionin České Budějovice E3.

15/4/2007 Árun Dangpo Laspro won on national exhibition in Ostrava in class of juniors E1.
11/ 2/ 2007 on IDS Brno won Arog Danpo Laspro in class of young VP1.  We all congratulation owners on this!

28. 1. 2007 on IDS Trenčín won Amithaba Reba Laspro in class of young VP2.

28/ 1/ 2007 on IDS Trenčín won Amara Nanba Laspro in class of young VP1.

14/ 1/ 2007 on NDS Olomouc won Árun Dagpa Laspro in
class of young VP1 and BIG3 !!!

So I am VN1!


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