CH Along Bangmed
Laspro was born 10/6/2006 from connection Bea Miu Nan Šan and CH Dangmo Gangkar. DKK 0/0.
Nice built dog with wide head, great expressed feet, strong
limbs, wide and incised chest and long dark-blue hair. His hair
is very heavy. He is very emphatic in guarding, attentive and
intransigent. Is very proud. But he loves family and is
absolutely dedicated to family. He likes small children and
especially belonging to family. He is after Arog the most like to his
Gabriela Vobořilová,
Trčkova 213, Mladá Vožice 39143 okr. Tábor
Phones: 607669847, 381215619,
breed |
CH Along Bangmed Laspro |
22/7/2007 Along Bagmed Laspro on National dog show
in Mlada Boleslav obtained
E1 and CAJC!
On the special dog show in Mlada Boleslav on 29/9/ 2007
Along Bagmed Laspro obtained in junior class E1 and CAJC and
title SSW (special young show winner)
7/10/2007 on Special Internacional dog show in Ceske Budejovice Along Bagmed Laspro
obtained E1 CAJC and met requirementes for obtain title JCH (junior
On Czech national show in Mlada Boleslav Along
Bagmed Laspro obtained E1 CAC.
On IDS in Mladá Boleslav 31/8/ 2008
Along Bagmed Laspro obtained E2 res. CAC.
27/9/2008 on IDS in Ceske Budejovice Along Bagmed Laspro
obtained E1, CAC, res. CACIB.
19/10/2008 on
national show in Brno Along Bagmed Laspro obtained E1 CAC.
26/4/2009 IDS Ceske
Budejovice, class opened, E2, res.CAC, res.CACIB.
3/5/2009 IDS Prague class opened, E1, CAC, CACIB.
19/7/2009 NDS Mladá Boleslav
Champion class E1 CAC, National winner.
8/11/2009 IDS Prague, Champion class, E2 res.CAC. |








Diplomas |
Investigation DKK |
Arog Danpo Laspro
was born 10/6/2006 from connection
Bea Miu Nan Šan and
CH Dangmo Gangkar.
Cock high 70 cm. DKK 1/1. Nice built dog with long, heavy and
dark-blue hair, beautiful wide head and well shaped body.
Has harmonious motion and straight stand. He is self-confident
and fearless. Herewith socially. He is the most similar to his
mother from all descendants. Very kind to children.
Milan Hnitka, Mrač 0373,
257 21 Poříčí nad Sázavou
telefon: 317 77 91 43
mobil: 606 796 930
mhnitka@seznam.cz |
breed |
Arog Danpo Laspro |
14.10.2006 SV
KCHMPP M. Boleslav VP1
5.11.2006 IDS Nitra VP1
11. 2. 2007 IDS Brno, class of
22. 4. 2007 IDS Ceske Budejovice, class of young,
9. 6. 2007 Cl. show Mlada Boleslav, class of young
19. 8. 2007 IDS Bratislava, class of young, E1 CAJC
9. 9. 2007 IDS Brno E2
7. 10. 2007 IDS Ceske Budejovice, class of young E4
30. 3. 2008 Cl. show Ml. Boleslav, class opened, E1 CAC
29. 6. 2008 IDS Brno, class opened, E2 res.CAC
14/6/2009 NDS Klatovy class opened E1 CAC, national
winner - 2
20.6.2009 KVP KCHMPP Mlada Boleslav, class opened, E3.
2.5.2010 IDS Prague E2 res.CAC. |
CH Árun Dagpa Laspro
was born 10/6/2006 from the connection
Bea Miu Nan Šan and
CH Dangmo Gangkar.
DKK 1/1. Czech junior schampion, Club junior champion. Perfect
built dog with strong skeleton and rounded head.
Good expressed high. Has high-quality and dense hair. Excellent
movement and stand. Wide chest and strong limbs.
Has very proud for up to cautionary look. Very sharp-minded and
absolutely intransigent!
Loves and defend his family. He is very similar to his
Pavel Mostecky - Dobřejovice 146,
25101 Říčany u Prahy
tel.: 605254492
mostaci-dobre@volny.cz |
breed |
CH Árun Dagpa Laspro |
II. Hana national show in Olomouc 13/01/07
VP1, BIG 3
National exhibition in Ostrava 14/04/07 E1
XIIIth International exhibition in Prague 29/04/07 E
International show Bratislava
13/05/07 E2
16th Moravian- Silesian national exhibition Brno 09/09/07
County exhibition KCHMPP Mlada Boleslav 29/09/07 E1,
Class winner
International show Ceske Budejovice 07/10/07 E2
XIVth International show Prague 18/11/07 E1, CAJC
IIIrd Hana national show Olomouc 12/01/08 E2, Res.
Ist International exhibition Brno 10/02/08 E1, CAC
XVth International exhibition Prague 23/03/08 E1
Club exhibition KCHMPP Mlada Boleslav
29/03/08 E2, Res. CAC
International show Ceske Budejovice 20/04/08 E2, Res.
17th Moravian- Silesian national show Brno 19/10/08 E2, Res.
XVIth International show Praguea 16/11/08 E2, Res. CAC
6/12/2008 Kassel NDS interclass -
Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Jgd.CAC, BOS, BOB
IDS Brno class opened E1 CAC, CACIB.
IDS Prague, E1 CAC.
open class, E1 CAC, res.CACIB. |
------------ |
ICH Basha Namlang
Laspro was born 15/5/2007 from the connection
Bea Miu Nan Šan and
CH Dangmo Gangkar.
DKK 0/0.
Beautiful, bulky dog with atletic stature with bulky chest and
well shaped body. Straight stand of front and rear legs,
strong legs, long, heavy hair, rounded head and wide muzzle.
Well setted tail.
Very successful on the shows, JCH D,PL, SK. One of the most
promising dogs from Poland!
Interchampion, VDH Leipzigjugendsieger, VDH Europa Junior Winner, Polish Champion, German Junior
Champion (VDH),
German Junior Champion (KTR), Slovakian Junior Champion, Polish
Junior Champion, German Champion (VDH),
German Champion (KTR),
6x BOB, 15x Youth Winner,
11x Best Junior, 3x CWC/CAC,5x Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH, 3x Jgd.CAC, 2x
1 res.CACIB, 1x Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, 1x Best Puppy, CRUFTS qualification
breed |
ICH Basha Namlang Laspro |
27.01.2008 Glogow NDS class of youth, VP, Puppy BOB
17.02.2008 Torun NDS class of young, E1 CAJC, Youth Winner
27.04.2008 Opole IDS class of young, E1, Youth Winner
2.05.2008 Dortmund IDS class of young, Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH, CAJC, E
Jgd.Sg., Junior BOB, BOB
11.05.2008 Plock NDS class of young,E1, Youth Winner
17.05.2008 Bratislava IDS class of young, V1 CAJC, Junior BOB
!!! qualification for CRUFTS !!!
25.05.2008 Giesen IDS class of young, Anw.Dt.Jun.Ch.VDH, CAJC,
Junior BOB
1.06.2008 Leszno PRESTIGE IDS class of young, Junor BOB, BOB
8.06.2008 Gorzow Wlkp. NDS class of young, Junior BOB, BOB
5.06.2008 Erfurt NDS junior class, Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH, CAJC,
Junior BOB
3.07.2008 Stockholm- World Dog Show- class of young, very good, I
20.07.2008 Gdynia IDS class of young, Junior BOB, BOB
3.08.2008 Legnica IDS class of young, E1, Youth Winner
16.08.2008 Bratislava IDS class of young, V1 CAJC, Junior BOB
17.08.2008 Bratislava IDS class of young, V1 CAJC, Junior BOB
30.08.2008 Erzhausen- class of young, V1 CAJC, Junior BOB
13.09.2008 Leipzig NDS class of young, Anw.Dt.Jun.Ch.VDH, Junior
14.09.2008 Leipzig NDS interclass, E, res.CAC
21.09.2008 Zielona Gora NDS interclass, E1, CAC, BOS, BOB
27.09.2008 Wroclaw IDS interclass, E1, CAC, res.CACIB
19.10.2008 Dortmund NDS interclass, E, res.Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH
6.12.2008 Kassel NDS interclass-
Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Jgd.CAC, BOS, BOB
7. 2. 2009 NDS Brno interclass E1 CAC, res.CACIB.
5. 4. 2009 NDS
Ostrava class opened, E1, CAC.
31/5/2009 NDS Skupsk, class opened E1,CWC.
7/6/2009 IDS Neumunster class opened E1, res.CACIB.
19/7/2009 NDS
Mladá Boleslav class opened E1 CAC
IDS Bremen, Shampion class, E1, CAC, CACIB
2/8/2009 NDS Bremen
E1, VDH, CAC, National winner (Best male), BOB
8/8/2009 IDS
Ludwigshafen, Shampion class, E1, VDH, res.CACIB.
29/8/2009 IDS Rotterdam Shampion class, E1, CAC, CACIB,
NDS Zielona Gora 20/9/2009 E1, CAC, Best Male, BOB.
3/10/2009 IDS Zwolle E,CAC,CACIB,BOB
31/10/2009 MVP Hannover, Champion class, E1, CAC, KTR/CAC,
Male, BOB.
25/4/2010 IDS Liegen (D) E1, VDH/CAC, KTR/CAC,
6/6/2010 IDS Nitra GP Slovakia 2010 open class
E1 CAC, res.CACIB, Slovak national beauty champion, Multichampion.
6/8/2010 IDS Druskininkai, Litva, E1, CAC, CACIB, Show Winner, Best Male, BOB.
7/8/2010 MVP Druskinkai in Litva, E1,
CAC, CACIB, Show Winner, Best Male.
14/8/2010 IDS Vejen in Denmark, E1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB.
Denmark champion.
21/8/2010 IDS Lipsko, Germany,
E1, VDH/CAC, KTR/CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB and Winner of Lipsko
22/8/2010 IDS Lipsko, Germany, E1, VDH/CAC, KTR/CAC, Best Male, BOB. |
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ICH Ba-sha Namlang Laspro passed investigation DKK
with result 0/0! |
