Doges race shall they very
rich and gay past. Projection with in her . dramatic development several
millennium, fate whole nation, their discharge, rise and fall, and fate
personality, like was Cingischan, Xerxes, Alexander large or „irons"
chancellor Bismarc, who state at the helm of his nation and led is to
glory or fall.
German bandog indicate breeder art, also hot testimony past age. In
lived bandog circulate blood ancestral, who with once tramp in cruel
climatic conditions, in dangerous inhospitable highs Tibetian Himalaje.
Those original ancestry bandog and of all doggery cross over into
history human society below total mark Tibetian bandog.
bandog remind of its phenomenon black Tibetian wolf, from with derive.
Feature bulky physique, rich coat, broad heads and big perpendicular
ears. To look at wake admiration for and respect. Used with her and
perhaps with even using like mobile home packhorse, to look-out heat of
castle, habitation and to hunt ox, how et al. big animals.
Old homeland bandog is then inhospitable limit in himalaje alp. A here
somewhere begins trudge panoply glory and horrors. Fundamental typical
bodily and character characteristics was hereditary so fixation and was
so conclusive, that with in principle in humanization aspect preserved
until today's time. This very hereditary characteristics bandog it was,
which helping trace up her own fate along whole millennium, though in
protocol they are frequently hundreds of years old spaces.
Original written report about Tibetian bandog proceed from of the year
1121 before Christ. In Chinese books Su-King with show in, that trunk
Liu, resident on the mountain west from China, sent Chinese emperor
Wouwangov gift Tibetian bandog in the name of Ngae. Was it dog educated
to vexation and killing people - fugitive.
Tibetian bandog with progress time get to others neighbouring nation.
Spokewise with extend into of all as regards. Used with her to hunt big
animals and for wartime purposes. Change environment and utilize and
crossing with native species doggery with her phenomenon change, but
fundamental distinctiveness keep by. How with get into the hands of by
other and next nation, change into and her mark.
Z original hunting-dog with bandog more and more change in doggery
wartime. Become symbol force. Old Sumerove and Asyrane decorate her
picture border milestone, palace and temple. Chaldejan king guide bandog
at his discharge. Was take down adversely horsemen from grass-hopper,
bring into confusion into order infantryman and removing be for country.
When Persian king Kambyses in the year 524 p.n.l. dig for Egypt, slung
large quantity of action doggery on Egyptian bowman. Doggery contribute
to his victory and to fermentation mature Egyptian empire. It already
Tibetian bandog pervasion from cold Himalaje down into warm lowlands,
into Nepal, India, Persia and until Babylonie. Once longwoolled doggery
with suit to climatic conditions so is finally glory in like doggery
short-haired, because in burning subtropical conditions was long and
rich hair on inconvenience.
Large, explosive warrior antiquity, Persian
king Xerxes using against river big of action doggery. At the Battle
near Salamis with however his conqueror moonshine curl up. Conflict
lost and like loser assailant with had to return home. Part his
military however was section from his of the chief squad in the area
Epiru. This slash-grain wood inhabit trunk Molossanu, who Persian
troops nail, but their doggery yourself leave in. Not take a long time
and their doggery with state unexceptionable business article. Monarch,
prince and nobles treat as interrogation her prestige, to own
sufficient in numbers doggery from Epiru, them with start call epir or
molossti doggery. Since was export doggery very yielding, had Molossane
intrest, to them nobody no-compete. That is why sell entirely only
males, never no bitch. Build up so monopoly, which was funds big
Monopoly with successful Molossanum keep over one hundred years. Until
with molosska princess Olympias espouse Moroccan king Filipa when that
with her in the year 356 p.n.l. nativity son Alexander, catch it gift
from his parents kennel. Their offspring accompany then later Alexander
large on his discharge into fore Asia and into India.
Among king, which yourself Alexander large subject,
was too Indic king up-Russian-Sofites. This king play card right
diplomat. When with Alexandr troops near, went off king from her
residence foreign conqueror head and brought to him valuable gifts,
between them too 150 large doggery. Were it doggery long way greater
than doggery epirsti. Show oneself, that doggery epirs behind one
hundred years her domestication atrophy. Indic doggery, which Alexander
got gift, build body long way bulky and feature major courage and
warlikeness. These doggery bring Alexander large into Macedonia.
Contribute to recreation krve house-dog. Their offspring with call
supermolosske bandog.
Alexander large 'd doggery evidently with pleasure. When to him die his
last dog, give a name up he Indic town Peritas.
I biggies dying and Alexandr empire with sometimes break up. His
doggery with state inheritance single prince so with catch it moloss
bandog into whole world, into Dark Continent as well as long way west.
Elyrsti seafarers - pirates is imported too into Roma. Here enter upon
moloss bandog further ways behind glory. Römish legionary with
them preserve limits and used is in conflict against its adversary.
When Romans recharge Britain below commandership Galia Julia Cesara,
find there of action doggery with broad head. Were even wildest beyond
doggery moloss, had with them however numerous common feature. Their
aboriginal come through like.
Romans extend her of action
doggery north into Alps and on territory north of Alps. In Alps is
climate reminiscent Himalayas, that is why with there this doggery was
thrive very well. Mixed with house-dog originate Swiss chaletens
doggery and doggery santbernard.
At the time bloom Romish empire was favourite matches doggery with wild
animals in arena. At first with to this contest used mollosan bandog,
later English bandog imported from Britain. English bandog was even
raging beyond bandog mollosan, that is why supply doggery from Britain
quickly grow up. For its steerage was identified special mate, which 'd
title procurator cynegii.
From Romane with bandog catch it to other nation, against nimz
Römische fight. Dog breeding yourself develop especially Kelt,
Galove, that is of after the fashion of Rimanu train above all for
wartime purposes. From Kelt assumed bandog Germani, that is of too
shelter like wartime doggery.
On the other hand Slav bandog perhaps ignorant. In
Slavic development with remains these doggery find out. Reserve create
myth about Neklanove conflict with Lucany on Turske field, at lucanst
fighter using big doggery and bird of prey up Germanic way. Further
allusion is fragment poetry Carmina Salisburgensis from 9. century,
that is of Slavic origin. Describe doggery size strong bandog, to into
light plough.
Ancient bandog pervasion and into religion. According to
one’s myth doggery, coming from the exit, originate with
animals, which household gods volcano formed from lava and paid is
haves pl) Jupiter.
For its remarkable phenomenon was bandog frequent mock-up artistic
creation. Find oneself smoothing stone from time stone, on which
primitive artist represent doggery dogoviteho type. In used Greece was
bandog frequent motive on vase, coin and gemach. On these illustration
come through short snout, pleat cranial and facial skin, overhanging
lip, dermatic bag below lower palpebra and bulky stature.
Too in ancient literary work they are mention of bandog very frequent.
Write about them especially Aristoteles, Britannicus, Diodorus,
Falisous, Herodot, Horacius Lucretius, Oppian, Strabo, Xenofon and
How already know, radiate bandog from Tibet spokewise
thoroughly. Eastwards into China, Nippon and Indic islands, southwards
into Nepalu, India, further into Persia, Babylonie, Egypt, Greece, Roma
further west and north. Behind time faro bandog evidently in Egypt even
wasn't, get there till later. Second direction penetration west went
over central Asia and Russia into easter Europe. About this ways with
deserved famous Cingischan, which bandog fetch with its hunan tribes
until Europe, above all into Hungarian lowlands. Descendant these
doggery know today like komondory and next Hungarian national race.
In the Middle Ages with bandog exert like indispensable aides at hunt
on grande ravenous animals, above all on boar, wolf, bear and like
bodily guard prince and magnate. In this respect with celebrate in
latter time bandog you-knacker chancellor Bismarck, which 'd bandog or
and more bandog all the time in her immediate vicinity.
Gun change hunting method. Deer-hound lose
foundation, numerous pack with solution and single doggery with get
among civil strata of the population. So with little by little from
pronouncedly lord's doggery, doggery castle mister and knight, loom dog
guard, dog ductile, dog company and dog luxury. Mostly yourself him
favourite drover, who were all the time on ways and have need of
protector, exciting respect.
Once with lay stress on military and hunting applicability, on bodily
yoke, courage and force. Demand with carcassing body, coarse hair,
bulky head and strong neck, courage, rampancy, biting and hardihood.
When with bear, wolves and boar state say about past, change demand on
face doggery and his character. Mould with from coarse form and passage
with to noble and elegant forms. Too demand on character confess
substantial changes, requested with dog softer character, that would
was able to narrower symbiosis in terms of families.
Way from aboriginal Tibetian bandog up today's elegant, noble bandog
German was long and complicated. Varied face, change into character,
change into working exercise. All with change, but yet fundamental
distinctiveness stay preservation. Is it above all bulky physique,
broad skull, whose skin show propensity to rugosity and strong neck.
These elements of vibrate and keep by and nevertheless, that from
original uniform type with mature grande series race, them call doggery
dogenen or molossoid. Its exteriors with with each other considerably
distinguish, but nevertheless is join definite common feature.
So with from original Tibetian bandog mature English bandog yclept
mastiff, Spanish bandog yclept grease, bandog bordeauxs, Cuban,
Japanese, Argentine, bulldog English and French bulldog, pug, coach
dog, pug, bernardyn, Swiss salasen doggery, leonberger, dog
newfundland, rotvajler, indeed German bandog and next race.
Fragmentary we are pass mosaic preterite.
Grown and fadeaway in them empire, flourish and decline whole peoples,
up which frequently no stay nothing but pile stone debris. A at of all
of those metamorphoses and reversion take part in bandog. Her record
come in handy to and bad, according to of what whose arm her lead.
Behind it bad her we mustn't charge, exert only will man, bottle only
his command.
Till with encounter with majestic bandog, or till will you watch its
bandog, beautiful and noble, noble and at the same time fine and
genial, recall, that face hot representative past, stretch more than
three thousands of years back. Is it aristocratic race. Noble and
