26/12/2010 at the show in Moscow in Russia Ašoka
Dharmapala obtained V1 CAJC and became Russian juniorchampion. In
BIS took 4th place!

12/12/2010 at International dog show in Kassel Agama
Dharmapala obtained V1 CAJC in junior class.

4 and 5/12/2010
Asoka Dharmapala obtained at both shows in Moscow
E1 CAJC, Junior BIS, and E1 CAJC Junior res.BIS.

NDS in Brno Abhidharma Mani Dharmapala in class of young
obtained E1 CAJC.

Candra du Domaine de Toundra at Special club show in Trusalova,
in open class, in strong competition of another 6 females,
obtained E2 res.CAC.

4/9/2010 Ašoka Dharmapala at Club Show in Moscow in
junior class obtained E1 CAJC, and titlel Club winner of young.

On 14/8/2010
at International Dog Show in Vejen, Ba-sha in champion class
obtained E1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB and became Denmark

On 20/6/2010
Árun Danpa Laspro at International show in Brno "Intercanis" in
open class
obtained E1 CAC, res.CACIB and and met requirementes for
obtaining title "Czech champion".

CH Falanga z
Koprivoveho dvora obtained 5x res.CAC from the
beginning of 2010 at the Club show KCHMPP in Mlada Boleslav
appreciation in winner class, Excellent 1, CAC.
Candra Du Domaine de Toundra in open class and
in competition of five females obtained Excellent 2, Reserve CAC
here and Atharvan Dharmapala won in junior
class Very promising 1.

6/6/2010 Candra du Domaine de
Toundra at International Dog Show in Nitra held as Grand Prix
Slovakia in open class obtained E1 CAC, CACIB, winner GP

6/6/2010 at IDS Nitra held as
GP Slovakia 2010 Ba-sha Namlang Laspro obtained appreciation
in open class E1 CAC, res.CACIB and became Slovak national
beauty champion!
At the same time became the second most successful dog in Poland
in history (Multichampion)
and run down till this time the most successful dog in Poland

4/6/2010 Dar Jomo Seng Khri
at Statewide show in Senec
in open class obtained E1 CAC.

At the Club show KTD-CR 8/5/2010
in Hermanuv Mestec,
with keen competition of six puppies, Ron took place on show
"The best
puppy of 2010, in Puppy class - 2nd place. There has been
criticized one of the
best and the most recognized critics in the world Mr.
Richard Eichhorn!

25/4/2010 IDS in Liegen - ICH
Ba-sha Namlang Laspro obtained E1, VDH / CAC, KTR / CAC, CACIB,
BOS and became Germany champion and Germany club champion.

27 - 28/2/2010 Bőnpa
OC Bohemia Dharmapala
obtained at two shows IDS (IABCA)in Ridgefield (st. Washington)
4x appreciations SG1, 4x BEST OF BREED & 2x GROUP 1 & 1x GROUP
2 & BEST IN SHOW PUPPY! and became International &
National Champion like Baby!
Excellent placing even in Junior hangling!

Amara Nanba Laspro has became slovak

18/9/2009 Falanga z Kopřivového dvora
obtained in open class E1 CAC
at the National dog show in Brno and met requirementes for
obtaining title "Czech shampion!

18/10/2009 at the National Dog Show in
Brno Candra du Domaine de Toundra
obtained in interclass E1 CAC.

3/10/2009 at the IDS in Zwolle Ba-sha
Namlang Laspro obtained E1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
and met requirementes for obtaining title "Intershampion!"

At IDS in Rotterdam on 29/8/2009 Ba-sha
Namlang Laspro obtained E1, CAC, CACIB, BOB.

15/8/2009 Falanga z Koprivoveho Dvora at the International
Dog Show in Bratislava
obtained E2 res.CAC in open class.

8/8/2009 has been breeded femailes Ambra Kona Ransi and Buwa
Jomo Laspro.

28/6/2009 Dar Jomo Seng Khri at international show
Intercanis in Brno interclass obtained E1 CAC.

At the NDS in Skupsk 31/5/2009 Ba-sha Namlang Laspro obtained
E1,CWC and
became shampion of Poland!

Buwa Jomo Laspro result of investigation DKK 0/0.

13/5/2009 Ba-sha Namlang Laspro passed investigation DKK
with result 0/0!

At the National dog show in Nitra on 29/3/2009
in open class Brigitt Laspro Nos Miu obtained E1 CAC!

7/2/2009 at IDS in Brno Candra Du Domaine De
Toundra obtained V1 CAC in interclass.

At the Haná national dog show in Olomouc our
females Candra,
Ambra and Falanga obtained V1 CAJC, V2 and V3.

Sum of success JCH Ba-sha Namlang Laspro
for 2008:

VDH Leipzigjugendsieger
VDH Europa Junior Winner
German Junior Champion (VDH)
German Junior Champion (KTR)
Slovakian Junior Champion
Polish Junior Champion
6x BOB
15x Youth Winner
11x Best Junior
5x Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH
3x Jgd.CAC
2x res.CAC
1 res.CACIB
1x Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH
1x Best Puppy
CRUFTS qualification
8/11/2008 from Decin breeding station
Kona Ransi two beautiful female dogs came to us into the new
home. Falanga z Koprivoveho dvora and her daughter Ambra Kona
Ransi. They like it here very much and are friends with the
whole pack at once.

Dne 8/11/2008 Arog Danpo Laspro passed
through evaluation and became breeding. DKK 1/1.

At IDS in Nitra of the day 02/11/2008
Bea Miu Nan Šan and Seng Khri Dar Jomo
obtained V1 CAC and V1 CAJC.

19/10/2008 at NDS in Brno Along Bagmed
Laspro obtained 4th apprecation V1 CAC and met requirementes for
obtaining title "czech shampion".

08/09/2008 title Slovak juniorchampion
was admitted to Ba-sha Namlang Laspro.

At IDS 13/09 to 14/09/2008 Basha
Namlang Laspro obtained another important apprecation.

17/08/2008 Ba-sha Namlang Laspro met
requirementes for obtaining title Slovakian juniorchampion!
21/07/2008 were confirmed titles for
Ba-sha Namlang Laspro - Polish juniorchampion, German
juniorchampion and VDH Europe junior winner.

Of the day 10/05/2008 JCH Along Bagmed
Laspro DKK 0/0 became breeding dog.

JCH Árun Dagpa Laspro became breeding dog DKK 1/1.

At IDS Brno 10/02/2008 Árun Dagpa Laspro obtained V1 CAJC and
made good terms for take title JCH.
Along Bagmed Laspro realized premises for conferment of title JCH.

14/01/2007 Arun Dangpa Laspro won apprecation
very promising in class of young on the 1. place at National
exhibition of dogs in Olomouc. And in the contest of all mollos
(class 2) won place BIG 3. We all congratulate owners.
09/12/2006 in breeding station Nos Miu was born 5
beauty girls a 3 stalwart boys from the connection CH Inka Zangao CACIB
X ICH Prince v. Altnahara j. europa winner 2002, europa winner 2004,
2006. One of these girls Brigitt Laspro Nos Miu is growing lovely in the
breeding station Laspro now.

Brigitt - 11 weeks
09/11/2006 Cambu Sundari (from breeding station Sundari
- owner Mrs. Jarmila Bendová) became new junior winner in Poznan on
World Dog Show. Congratulations.
09/11/2006 Mimayin Strazce z Tibetu (from
breeding station Strazce z Tibetu, owner Eva Marton from
Hungary) became world winner in Poznan at World Dog Show.
When I some time ago read article (excerpts from book) from
lady dr. Sehner "Dogs Killer - Myth, reality or idle wishes? - Mythical Tibetan
mastiff", it occured me, that isn't worth it to respond this. It same certainly
my colleagues from of others breeding station said.
But after next thought I change my opinion. I think with according as my
opinion it is bringing wrong information among broad reader's public in view of
it, that prenominat lady is writer of different books about dogs. These she
according as her articles perhaps like, but some doubtless more. Why it is so,
thereon must everybody respond alone. That is why I decided to refutate some
untruly statements and document it by fact. Originally I would answer in some
forum, where lady Sehner would respond me, where she came to her informations.
However it is not possible. Now I proceed to practical refutation of lady
Sehner's statements, namely in points chronological as so as she show it in her
1. Statement, that Tibetan people are throughout peaceable nation is
absolutely true, that they never war from embrace lamaism excepting extract
(conflict with Nepal, invasion Englander and protestation against China).
That they didn't need weaponry is else serene but all right then and
military dogs really didn't breed.
However they breeded guard dogs!!! They guarded temples (though it is
not lady Sehner's liking) and largely herds and settlements ofnomads and
habitations. In Tibet, which was sparsely settled (3 inhabitants on km2) do not
nomadize unfortunately only nomad, but gangs too, who plundered country.
Behaviour of portly and dauntless dogs was absolute necessity for these nomad
especially for times, when they move out for business into below situated towns.
Tibetan mastiff protected women, children and herds and they was obliged to
teach separately decide. You can only read book of travels from Marko Polo from
1295. On a visit of Chinese province Sechuan Mark Polo met Tibetian businessmans
guided those dogs. He write verbatim: "In this province they have dog race so
bold and bad, that two dogs are able to assault lion. When lion appears, dogs
attacking with big courage and lion is powerless in face of them." Further your
can read books of Italian Jesuit Ippolit Desideri "Trip to Tibet". He write
verbatim: "Strange and really unusually is majority local doggery, they have
black, a little longer lustrous hair, they are biggish and bulky, violent
appearance and its voice is hector.
They are usually tethered on chain to look-out. When the stranger enter
the house, run risks big danger, if somebody don't come from home and drive dog
away. For businessman, who travel with many animals and load, are absolutely
sufficient to look-out two such dogs...." Similar experiences the other
travelers and zoologist describe, which met Tibetan mastiff in Tibet.
From another e.g. Samuel Turner, full member of Indic society, who
travelled over Tibet in the year 1783.
Further J. D. Hooker in the year 1850. Or English mate George Bogle, who
waged mission over Tibet as well as Swedish traveller Sven Hedin in the year
1906 – 8. Everyone describe TM like "huge, extremely wild, strong and noisy
Even today in southwest Tibet you can meet Tibetan mastiff same as those
in our country near nomad.
You can read for example an article on internet address
I am pointing out, that in contradistinction to Nepal, Bhutan, India
(northern), where TM is breeded and where is breeding
controlled, it isn't among Tibetian nomad.
2. On statement, that Tibetan mastiff she could not exist behaviour,
because she could not eat beard offer, that and today in modern breeding it can
be get pasturage, (it is possible put vegetarian) which leak beard like major
component protein and substitute is other. This pasturage are not today nobody's
unusual. Not only monkhood in cloister, but and simple Tibetan people from them
is more then half they are nomad (Ngolok and Gurung), yourself they could not
permit feed her Tibetan mastiff paste, because JACI they are above all animals
on milk and cheese and as late as then at serve out on beard. Of that had
ourselves so little, that yourself with difficulty they could have permit eat
feed her doggery. Feed is milks, which Tibetian doggery toleration far better
than cow's, cheese, curd, whole rice and vegetables. Lastly counsel lady Sehner.
Just in browser order term "vegetable diet for doggery" and will you with
separatrix what of that you will find!! Incidentally budhist monkhood in
Mongolic cloister behaviour since the days of third dalajlama, when start off by
Tibet boiling hot terms Mongolic doggery (Khonch Nokhoi), next of kin TM
(incidentally according to zoologist derivable with maximum probability from TD)
so be about no-wherewith feed. Incidentally for example panda, though too
generically carnivora, with hot virtually only vegetable fare. Lastly ones of
the producer of such fare: HTTP://www.aminews.cz/
3. Till naively looks this statement: "...How its location, so typical
behaviour herdsman she should have and has Tibetian dog natality into bandog
long way." TD wasn't never 100% pastoral dog, but how it was said above all dog
gatekeepers. Pasturage be its inferior imposition. Thereon had and somewhere
even shall they nomad other doggery. Difference among TM it is possible
consecrate slightly, only would man had to want something read, eh TM is natural
race and as such has sundry expenses line. Then Tsang Khyi, Do Khyi, Khyi Apso.
Is it equal for example near Samojed, where they are three line - from them two
how exist behaviour in special-interest breeding namely wolfish and bear. In the
event of TM it was largely Do Khyi, whereas this title with deep-rooted like
original tag for Tibetian bandog, which incidentally Americans and Englishmen
give a name Tibetan Mastiff, which is tag perhaps about something more
accurately. Further with using initially in smaller measurement Tsang Khyi.
Majority Europeans with beyond up Tibet she could not at all freely move and
hence nor watch TM in places her almost even intacta life. When that already to
someone let in, so 'd determination route, or with groupuscule must have been
Chinese sight!
Lady Sehner perhaps escape, that in Tibet up invasion Mao Ce Thung
military and genocide transaction his red guard was 3/4 TM in Tibet word for
word massacre. Isn't then already possible show through throughout full of
eye-appeal, especially at misery and compression man in the street, who have not
ourselves what eat! Only nomad, largely in southwest Tibet they are even thereon
a little better. Beyond province Amdo and Khan, which belong to from time out of
mind to Tibet already today are not part of nor so-called autonomous areas, but
was annexet to China. See. map on our pages. TM there behaviour today largely
reasonable Chinese they are already led in breeding Chinese cynology
organization. Only in these two region you can out of Nepal, Bhutan, India
(northern)and Thajwan see TM in full of eye-appeal so, apparently in Europe and
4. On kick, that TM couldn't be in cloister am already a little up respond
and addition into the bargain this.
In the year 1904 was Englisch peoples form campaign into Tibet, to here
(at least according to official version) negotiation trade agreement.Leader was
expert easter Asia colonel Yonghusband. On ways was campaign about of a number
of 3000 man obliged many a time fight. Later Englishmen, just as like native
servicemen self-confessed, that in struggle perish much doggery. Villager, who
were obliged with haste leave her home, disengage her doggery from chain.
Servicemen for fear about bare livelihood on doggery shooting. Officers then
assert, that that doggery present no the hopping best type. The according to
they and according to colonel Yonghusband was possibility see largely in
cloister!! Beyond with those expedition parties concerned major Doughall, which
got in Lhasa exquisite Tibetian mastiff with in the name of Bhoetan. Was it dog
and is photographic, imposing and historical documented. 'D loathing in face of
foreign man, women however safeguard against lice forcibility. Major Doughall
own beyond bandog with in the name of Lhasa, which was exposure on national
exhibition in Birmingham.
Thereof, that TM with really in cloister offer exist much verification. Is
necessity yourself inform, that in terms of Chinese inbreak in the year 1950,
resulting genocide, especially then after a year 1959, when was Tibetian
cloister bombed and pointing demolition (from original 6000 them be left only 80
!!!), Tibetan mastiff as part of Tibetian culture and tradition was shooting and
with that their breeding in towns repression. It is of that in Tibet off limits
much. For example and people's jubilee and much by other for us self-evident
thing. Who with about situation in Tibet in own line and read e.g . Tibetinfo: (
HTTP://www.tibinfo.cz/clanek.php?id=243 ) on internet have cognizance of
predicable talk. Well and holiday Saga Dava is Chinese eyesore. For sb.'s part
breeding in cloister just with view on some parallel and shall immediately at
home. Since the days of third Dalajlama they are Mongolian people and Tibetian
friendly peoples. Mongolic dog (Khonch Nokhoi)) is perhaps unrelated dog to TM.
From mentioned time with behaviour in Mongolic budhistic cloister e.g . and in
cloister Bawgai Amarbayasgalan. Then here have not budhistic monkhood problems
and in Tibet yes..?!.. !...Beyond English officers didn't have reason tell lies
and manufacture eyewash. Already with reference to their officer's honour, which
go in for them foreign exchange upper-most!!!
5."Tibetan mastiff, what know today, then isn't antique, original race,
partly nature or cultivation Tibetian monk, but record roughly centenary
cultivation European dogman." Purposely quote this rigmarole (unfortunately
other expression for this shan't). TM with in Europe today behaviour very 29
flight!!! No more not less. In America is it likewise. In England was TM
carriage English Queens Victoria in the year 1830. King Edward VII. take two in
the year 1874. Yourself-ring was long allowed to be pattern eye-appeal. Was many
a time exposure. Exist his painting. Charles Henry Lane describe Siring in her
books "About dogs" and description in extenso matches standard TM. It was
earliest import TM into Europe and not leave offspring. It is impossible talk
nor by mistake about no breeding. In the year 1924 lady Bailey import from Tibet
four TM two doggery and two bitch. General Duncan dispatch to England doggery
Gyamdruk, black with tingle. Unfortunately this attempt died. It is impossible
then again talk of no breeding!! Further attempt was edgewise lady P. Bridgen in
the year 1981. Unfortunately bitch die in quarantine.Only in the year 1982 was
her further attempt successful (24 flight). In France begins breeding 1979
doggery Pric Casanova breath Desaäl (27 flight). In Holland in the year 1977
doggery Tashi and bitch Nima (29 flight). Into USA pervasion first TM in the
year 1958 to chairman Eisenhowerovi. Continuation with however holg not. First
dog in racial books USA is Jumla´s Kalu of Jumla from of the year 1967.
Continuation with practised as late as rock 1976 (30 flight). In Tschek republic
is the first doggery in racial books bitch Fuji-Asia des Mille Vallées in the
year 1991 (15 flight). About some cultivation in terms of crossing with other
race cannot exist nor speech. All clubs alive below FCI and USA with bind
prevent any crossing or and import with doubtful native. Beyond country, that
would to those step grab would was edgewise FCI instantly infliction of. No club
and incrustation any national cynology organization inclusive of our CMKU
yourself this illicit!!!
Tibetan mastiff be in past in Tibet only selectioned (that is to say
selection stallion individuals suitable definite requirements) namely largely
from standpoint character, then dauntless , bulky, and at the expense of life
preclusive territory, folk and possession inclusive herd how. Today in Europe,
USA, Nepal, Bhutan, India, China, Tchajwan, Canada and Venezuela, where's
controlled special-interest breeding, with sight more on location. Z standpoint
character they are TM already behind 4000 flight so standstill, that is you
needn't their leading role at all teach!
6. A be about further pearl! "Nor wild chink-ancestry Tibetan mastiff, nor
her uncultivated „poor" relatives, nor she herself never weren't and are not no
giant cur dog with requisite minimum materiality 80 kg!.....atd." Every
experienced dogman certainly know, that near natural knacker doggery is
difference among bitch and doggery considerably greater than near knacker by
other. But and bitch notching of this materiality 50 KG. Height minimum 61 cm
near doggery 66 cm but heed. Doggery with highs 66 cm with sees indeed little!
Standard boundless anyhow near by other knacker maximum highs nor yoke doggery
and bitch, that's just it, that with discuss race natural. In the country origin
mete dog TM till 110 cm in tap. Transaction with indeed about line Tsang Khyi or
Khyi Apso. Documentation all right then campaign princ Orleans and G. Bonvalot
in 50. flight past century or research our zoologist Vaclav Fuchs ("all kinds of
doggery in a word and picture.Prague 1903). Average height TM doggery is 71 cm
and as high as 78 cm see e.g . not long ago tragic late Drakyi Senge Sundarí
from stallion station Sundarí. Or further Feros Min des Mille Vallées. See e.g .
publication Tibetian bandog lady Renata Černochova or Tibetan Mastiff from lady
Jarmila Bendova. Both they are renowned breeder with old experience and know
what write!!! Then word for word from books lady Renata Černochova: "average pup
Tibetan mastiff do you have yoke c. 500G. This scale presto soars, in eight for
weeks weigh already 8 KG. During 1st of the year life his scale up near bitch
approximately on 40 - 50 KG and near doggery on 50 - 70 KG. Scale it can be
indeed and higher, consists in highs doggery or bitch. During 1st of the year
too most markedly growing into highs, biggest growth go in phase among 4. and 9.
months. Nor up achievement age one's of the year however isn't development
Tibetan mastiff quite termination, further become strong and bulky, develop and
up mental pages. Development go termination till ages of three, near doggery
tetra flight. ...."..Then she imaginary limits 80 KG is pelt with such
individuals what am prenominat. Then for juxtaposition only dog about highs 71
cm has at strong frame yoke 65 KG. See. for example CH Dangmo Gankar. Agya Ransi
Nan Šan has at small highs 61 cm yoke 47 KG. Bea Miu at highs 64 too, but them
of year younger! Has only two years. On documented see. e.g . French cynology
so that considering reader yourself certainly present, how much can weigh dog
about withers highs 78 cm with strong frame!!! So that would like to see
figurant, that would standstill jump doodad doggery (males) about those vase.
Incidentally would all the time nor onslaught bitch. I will not here now convey
how intelligent dog as is TM attack. I suggest, that it isn't Alsatian, which
stereotyped repeat screen, which him teach, so that practically forethought what
will do. Beyond near gatekeepers doggery depends more on acceleration onslaught
and nimblenness. It's quality near so bulky doggery what is the TM very
admirable. Incidentally Alsatian has lower door-step excitability beyond TM, so
that cases, that Alsatian make for folk with offer, near TM never! Never would
not assault without causes! Behind thereby yourself state. Incidentally of
action dog is in today's modern cynology so unwise term, that him they can use
only "divers" people. Of action dog were at first molloss doggery for the
occasion train and unfortunately and harassment and exploitation in struggle
ancient military. In detail is it unwinding in branch "story TM" on our pages.
Were according to zoologist brought up largely very from Tibetan mastiff (wasn't
it already Tibetan mastiff in itself). Today unfortunately to doubtful
"amusement" what they are dog matches. Otherwise race of action dog don't know
and nor cannot. Only divers people so started box one race, but perhaps would
was better box is. Better solving near one race, which shall they lower
door-step excitability would was psychological trial and resulting certificate.
But look here ! No of those doggery, but people! So many to those interrogation.
7. "Tibetian doggery never from Tibet no-removed heels, namely thanks life
and thinking - isolationism - his mister!" It is full address quotation. Indeed
what hereto add. About import Tibetan mastiffs am already wrote, incidentally
and Marco Polo yourself from his ways bring into Venice Tibetan mastiff. Before
him it was Alexander Great with about lot more bandog. They that is TM, how
already it was said, boil only in Tibet, but and in northern India, where
Alexander visit. Offspring those Alexander "cynology" mission given least third
basis mollos European and rest of the world. From Tibet, Nepal and of others
original country they are TM imports and today, especially up mild modulation
situation in Tibet. Chinese yourself inform, that Tibet is and from standpoint
tourist for them good article and suppose, that repression it can be already
reduce. Nevertheless is situation in Tibet all the time unsatisfactory!
Impugn diffusion TM further west Asia and into Europe is serene, because
him scientific add of such capacities from enclosure zoology as is W. Tschudy,
Max Siber, A. E. Brehm, J. B. Walsh (Stonehenge) in former times and next
zoologist extant. Impugn paintings , that are in direct context with definite
newsmaker is also peliculiar. Mentioned Lobsang Rampa, whose here will not
convey, never no impeach capacity as TM in culture and life Tibetian nation.
Lastly purveyance, that that bombastic message as to TM in mentioned books
me accrue like infirm touch-down Neil Armstrong and his garrison on months. Some
people, who with want a little from any causes unhide declare, that the whole
"theatre" slip in Nevada desert. Never me this episode lot remind of. Nothing it
will however change thereon, that Tibetan mastiff in view of irreversible
actualities will stay living legend!

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